Rassokha Yauheni
Department: of production organization and real estate economics
Email: evgeni_ros@mail.ru
Email: evgeni_ros@mail.ru
Ravino Alla
Department: of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development
Email: ravino@belstu.by
Email: ravino@belstu.by
Rebko Sergey
Department: Forest Plantations and Soil Science
Email: rebko@belstu.by
Email: rebko@belstu.by
Romanenko Dmitri
Department: of informatics and web-design
Email: rdm@belstu.by
Email: rdm@belstu.by
Romanenko Oksana Vladimirovna
Department: of Production Orgazation and Real Estate Economics
Email: a.ramanenka@belstu.by
Email: a.ramanenka@belstu.by
Romanova Anna
Department: of Intercultural Communications and Technical Translation
Email: romanova@belstu.by
Email: romanova@belstu.by