Belarusian State
Technological University
Ravino Alla

Ravino Alla

Аssistant professor of the Department, PhD Еconomics


The Department of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development

Contact details

?8 (017) 327-62-41


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 425а-4

Research interests:?

sustainable development, creating the "green" economy, environmental economics, environmental management, resource management, relevant issues in management, sustainable development.


Management, Leadership, Innovation Management, International Management, Assessment of natural resources, Natural resources and their rational use.

List of publications:?

  • I. V. Voytov, А. V. Neverov, Ch. A. Romanovsky, O. I. Rod’kin, А. V. Ravino, А. I. Kavrus. Organic agriculture: the experience of foreign countries and actual aspects of regional development in Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU. – 2017. – № 7: Economics and Management: 145-151
  • Multilevel governance in forestry and land-use in Belarus / Neverov А., Ravino А. et al. 2017. – 48 p.
  • Environmental Economics / Neverov А., Ravino А. et al. 2016. – 400 p.
  • Evaluation of natural resources / Ravino А. 2015. –128 p.
  • Neverov А., Miatselski A., Ravino А. 2014 Integrated software landscape planning (submitted Proceedings of BSTU. – 2014. – № 7: Economics and Management)
  • Neverov A.V. Ravino A.V. Malashevich E.G. Methodical bases of economic efficiency determination in maintaining forestry Proceedings of BSTU. – 2013. – № 7: Economics and Management: 142-146
  • Forest governance / Neverov А., Ravino А. et al. 2014. – 400 p.