Belarusian State
Technological University
Rebko Sergey


Rebko Sergey

Assistant Professor of the department,?Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


Forest Plantations and Soil Science

Contact details

?+375 17?327 36 38


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 235-1

Research interests:

Forest Selection and Genetics, Forest plantations, Seed growing


Genetics and Selection, Genetics and Selection of ornamental plants, Basics of genetic engineering of tree species, Forest plantations, Soil science with the basics of agriculture, Mechanization of forestry works

List of publications:?

  • Rebko,?S.V. Dynamics growth of forest plantations of pine ordinary sort “Negorelskaya” / S.V. Rebko, L.F. Poplavskaya, P.V.?Tupik // Proceedings of BSTU. № I (174), Forestry. – Minsk, 2015. – P. 153–156.

  • Rebko,?S.V. Growth, productivity and heritability of the height of the seed progeny clonal hybrid seed plantation of Scots pine at 7 years of age / S.V. Rebko, P.V. Tupik, L.F. Poplavskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. №. I (183), Forestry. – Minsk, 2016. P. 124–127.

  • Rebko,?S.V. Study of the forest stand with Abies alba in the tract "Tisovik" of the National Park "Belovezhskaya pushcha" / S.V. Rebko, P.V. Tupik, A.I. Goroshko. – Problems of Forest Science and Silviculture. Proceedings of the Forest Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Gomel, 2016. – P. 88–95.

  • Rebko,?S.V. Selection of European larch for seed productivity / S.V.?Rebko, P.V.?Tupik // Proceedings of BSTU. № I (174), Forestry. – Minsk, 2015. – P. 170–174.

  • Rebko,?S.V. Results of short-term tests and features seed production of sort pine “Negorelskaya” / S.V. Rebko, L.F. Poplavskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. № I (139), Forestry. – Minsk, 2011. – P. – С. 165–168.

  • Rebko,?S.V. Basics of genetic engineering of tree species: The course of lectures for students of a specialty 1-75 01 01 "Forestry" specialization 1-75 01 01 06 "Reforestation and Forest nursery"/ S.V.?Rebko. – Minsk: BSTU, 2014. – 61 p.