Belarusian State
Technological University
Romanenko Oksana Vladimirovna


Romanenko Oksana Vladimirovna




of Production Orgazation and Real Estate Economics




Sverdlova St. 13a, 441-4

Research interests:

Improvement of institutional and economic conditions in the forest sector.

Organization of production and management in the field of IT


Organization of production and enterprise management;

The economy of the enterprise sector.

List of publications:?

  • Ownership and development of subcontracting relations in forestry / OV Romanenko Economics, valuation and management of real estate and natural resources: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conference, Minsk, 28 April 30, 2010 - Minsk: BSTU, 2010. - P. 437-445.
  • Potential for expansion of subcontracting relations in forestry in Belarus / OV Romanenko Trudy BSTU. Ser. VII, Economics and Management. - 2010. - Issue. XVIII. - С. 254-257.
    Valetko V. V. Measurement of the level of transaction costs in the real sector of the economy / V.Valetko, O.V. Romanenko / Sustainable development of the economy: state, problems, prospects: materials of the fifth international. scientific-practical. Conf., Pinsk, April 28-29, 2011 / The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus [and others]; rare: K.K. Shebeko [and others]. - Pinsk: PolesU, 2011. - Part 1. - P. 150-153.
  • Assessment of the level of transaction costs in forestry / OV Romanenko Trudy BSTU. - № 7. Economics and management. - 2011.
  • Institutional conditions for the development of subcontracting relations in the forestry of Belarus / OV Romanenko // Proceedings of BSTU. - Minsk: BSTU, 2012. - No. 7 (154). - P. 267-270.