Los Alexander Mikhailovich
Department: of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems
Email: amlos@belstu.by
Email: amlos@belstu.by
Lovenetskaya Elena
Department: of Higher Mathematics
Email: lovenetskaya@belstu.by
Email: lovenetskaya@belstu.by
Lukash Valery
Department: Woodworking machines and tools
Email: Lukash_Valeriyy@rambler.ru
Email: Lukash_Valeriyy@rambler.ru
Lyshchyk Peter
Department: of Logging Machinery, Forest Roads and Timber Production Technology
Email: lyshchyk@belstu.by
Email: lyshchyk@belstu.by
Madiarov Vladimir
Department: of Physics
Email: madyarov@belstu.by
Email: madyarov@belstu.by
Makauchik Sviataslau
Department: Department of Physical Training and Sport
Email: fvis@belstu.by
Email: fvis@belstu.by