Belarusian State
Technological University
Lovenetskaya Elena


PhD in Physico-mathematical sciences,?Associate Professor


Department of Higher Mathematics

Contact details



?Sverdlova St. 13a, 318-4

Research interests:

The applied statistics; statistical data analysis; statistical analysis of digital images.


Mathematics. Higher Mathematics. Econometrics and economic-mathematical methods and models.

List of publications:?

  • Blinova E. I. A hierarchical algorithm for image denoising.?Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.?Series of Physical-Mathematical Sciences. 1998, No. 3, p. 7–11.
  • Blinova E. I., Zalesky B.A. The sizes of clusters, arising in the maximum a posteriori estimates in Gibbsian models.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.?Series of Physical-Mathematical Sciences. 2001, No. 1, p. 57–62.
  • Blinova E. I., Marchenko V.M., Mozhey N.P.?Probability Theory:?methodical textbook for students of all specialties. – Minsk, BSTU Publ., 2005. 120 p.
  • Blinova E. I. Statistical analysis of experimental data by means of Excel in learning process.?Proceedings of BSTU. 2007. No. 8: Educational and Methodical Work, issue 15, p.?79–81.
  • Blinova E. I. Design and Organization of Experiment:?methodical textbook for students of specialty 1 - 54 03 01 Physical-Chemical Methods and Devices for Goods Quality Control. – Minsk, BSTU Publ., 2010. 130 p.
  • Lovenetskaya E.I Optimality of the full-block regression experiment designs?//?Proceedings of BSTU.?2012. No. 6: Physical-Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, p.?27??? 30.
  • Lovenetskaya E.I., Shinkevich E.A. Problems and prospects of improving of mathematical training of students under reforming system of education //?Innovations and modern technologies in the education system: materials of the IV international scientific conference on February 20 –21, 2014. – Prague: V?decko vydavatelské centrum “Sociosféra–CZ”. – 212 p. – P. 20–22.
  • Higher Mathematics.?In two parts. Part 2: methodical textbook for students of technical specialties. / Marchenko V.M., Asmykovich I.K., Borkovskaya I.M., Bochilo N.V., Gorbatovich Z.N., Ihnatsenko V.V., Lovenetskaya E.I., Pyzhkova O.N., Solov’eva I.F., Yakimenko A.A., Yanovich V.I., Yarotskaya L.D.; Marchenko V.M. ed. – Minsk, BSTU Publ., 2014. 337 p.
  • Lovenetskaya E. I.?Quadratic criteria for testing hypothesis on the mean of the multidimensional normal distribution. Proceedings of BSTU.?2015. No.?6:?Physical-Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, pp.?19??? 23.
  • Lovenetskaya E.I., Borkovskaya I.M., Pyzhkova O.N., Bochilo N.V. On some trends in the development of university education in the modern world //?Asian Journal of Scientific and Educational Research,?“Seoul National University Press”, 2015, №1 (17) (January – June). Volume II. “Seoul National University Press”, 2015. – 1009 p. ? P. 467 ? 473.
  • Lovenetskaya E.I., Shinkevich E.A. Modern tendencies in development of mathematical education: peculiarities ofunified state exam in Russia and centralised testing in Belarus //?Modern tendencies of physical-mathematical education: school and university:?materials of the international scientific and practical conference on April 17 –18, 2015. In two parts. Part 1. – Solykamsk, SSPU Publ., 2015. –119 p. – P. 21–26.
  • Krichavets E.Y.,?Lovenetskaya E.I., Shinkevich E.A.?About some features of test tasks on mathematics for entrants?Continuum: Mathematics. Informatics. Education.?Elets, 2016. No. 2. – P. 78–86.