Belarusian State
Technological University
Yeshchanka Liudmila


Liudmila Yeshchanka

Professor of?the department?


Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances and General Chemical Technology

Contact details

?+375 17 327 22 51


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 111-3

Research interests:

The development of innovative technologies for the production of pigment materials, sorbents, compositions of environmentally-safe cleaning products; justification of the criteria that determine the way galvanic processing of waste products in the various functional purpose.


General chemical technology; Technology of catalysts and adsorbents; Theoretical bases of inorganic substances technology.

List of publications:?

  • Textbook "Catalysts and adsorbents", 2009
  • Patent №17898 of the Republic of Belarus. Producing method granular filler for detergents, 2011
  • ER-Activity of Suspensions Based on Hydrated Metal Oxides. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions, Philadelphia, USA, 2011
  • Production of porous sorption capasious silicate-phosphate containing materials. International Conf. "Radiation Safety Challenges in the 21st Century": proceedings, Yerevan, 20–21 June, 2012 / Inter. Science and Technology Center Scientific Center of Radiation Medicine and Burns Yerevan Institute "Plaspolymer". – Yerevan. – P. 129–130, 2012
  • Specific features of sol-gel transformations and crystallization of sodium phosphates in the H3PO4 – liquid glass – H2O system. Russian J. of App. Chem. Vol. 86, No. 8. pp. 1147–1151, 2013
  • Obtaining and Study of Hydrated Chromium Oxide as Filler of Electrofluid Compositions, book of abstracts of IV International Conference on colloid chemistry and physicochemical mechanics, Moscow, Russia, 2013
  • Study of formation conditions of sodium sesquicarbonate in H3PO4 – Na2CO3 – H2O system. Russian J. of App. Chem. Vol. 88, No. 5. pp. 733–737, 2015
  • Study of the composition and properties of products formed in interaction of Na2CO3 with proton-containing reagents. Russian J. of App. Chem. Vol. 88, No. 12. pp. 1923–1927, 2015
  • Patent №19487 of the Republic of Belarus. Composition for cleaning hard surfaces, 2015
  • Textbook "Physical and chemical methods of water purification. Management of water resources", 2015
  • ?A study of the effect of the composition of hydrated chromium oxides on their electrorheological activity. Colloid J. Vol. 77, No. 3. P. 292–297, 2015
  • Influence of the structure of dihydrate aluminum orthophosphate on its electrorheological activity. Collection of scientific papers "Heat and Mass Transfer - 2014", 2015
  • Patent №20466 of the Republic of Belarus. A process for preparing a filler for detergents based on sodium sesquicarbonate, 2016
  • Technological features produce granular detergents, based on local raw materials, "dry" method, 2016