Belarusian State
Technological University
Vouk Anatoli

Anatoli Vouk

PhD in Technical Sciences, Assistant professor?


Department of Higher Mathematics

Contact details

?(8-017) 327-10-20


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 204-4

Research interests:

Hydrodynamic processes and separation of multiphase systems in swirling streams of film movement and suspensions permeable filtering surfaces, the distribution of particles in the gas streams and their separation.


?Higher Mathematics. Mathematics. Mathematical methods and models in computer calculations.

List of publications:?

  • Volk А. М., Маrkov V. A. The separation of multiphase systems in the fields of mass forces. Мn.: BSTU, 2006. 216 p.

  • Volk А. М., Ignatenko V.V. Higher mathematics: educational methodical grant for students of higher educational establishments, student on specialities 1-48 01 01 " Chemical technology of inorganic substances, materials and products", 1-48 01 02 " Chemical technology of organic substances, materials and products ", 1-48 02 01 " Biotechnology": BSTU, 2010. 197 p.

  • Volk А. М. The flow of a viscous fluid in the space between the driving permeable surfaces. Engineering-physics magazine, 1993, v. 62, no 2. pp. 152-158.

  • Volk А.М. Hydrodynamics swirling motion film. Energetics. Proceedings of the higher studies. establishments and energy associations ?of the UIS. ?2006, ?no 4. ?pp. 86-91.

  • Volk А. М. The movement of the solid particles in the swirling flow. Energetics. Proceedings of the higher studies. establishments and energy associations of the UIS. 2009, no 5. .pp. 77-81.

  • Volk А.М. Statistical estimation of parameters generalized Gamma-distribution. Trudy BGTU [Proceedings of BSTU]. 2016, no 6. Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics, pp. 10-13.