Belarusian State
Technological University
Tur Valentina

Tur Valentina

Senior lecturer


Economics and Plant Management

Contact details

?8 (017) 226 00 28


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 306-4

Research interests:

Problems of work and its payment.


Developed and gives lecture courses on disciplines Developed and gives lecture courses on disciplines "Accounting", "Accounting and analysis", "Accounting, the analysis and audit?at the tourism enterprises", "International Accounting Standards", "International standards of auditing".

List of publications:?

  1. Tur Valentina. Creation of a tariff wages system at the entity by means of a simplex method /Modern problems of mathematics and computer facilities: Materials III of republic scientific conf. of young scientists and students. – Brest: UO "BGTU", 2003. – Page 120-123.
  2. Tur Valentina. Directions of enhancement of the tariff organization of compensation / Trudy BGTU [Proceedings of BSTU], 2007, no.?7: Economics and Management, pp.?59–63 (In Russian).
  3. Tur Valentina. Single tariff wages system: domestic and foreign experience of use /? Naukovy visnik. Sciences: ekonomika, politologiya, istoriya. – No. 1 (79). – Odessa: OGEU, 2009. – Page 107-117.
  4. Tur Valentina. The organization of tariff labor payment at the enterprises of building materials industry/ Trudy BGTU [Proceedings of BSTU], 2009, no.?7: Economics and Management, pp.?196-200 (In Russian).
  5. Tur Valentina. Tariff wages system: evolution and current state / V. M. Tur, T. N. Dolinina / Economic bulletin NIEI of Department of Economic Affairs of Republic of Belarus. –№9. – Minsk, 2009. – Page 35-45.
  6. Tur Valentina. Modelling of company tariff compensations systems at the enterprises/?Trudy BGTU [Proceedings of BSTU], 2012, no.?7: Economics and Management, pp.?32-34 (In Russian).
  7. Tur Valentina Practice of using commission payment system in the industry organizations/ Trudy BGTU [Proceedings of BSTU], 2014, no.?7: Economics and Management, pp. (In Russian)