Belarusian State
Technological University
Tupik Pavel


Tupik Pavel

Assistant Professor of the department,?Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


Forest Plantations and Soil Science

Contact details

?+375 17?327 36 38


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 235-1

Research interests:

Forest Genetics and Selection, Forest plantations, Seed growing


Genetics and Selection, Forest plantations,? Introduction of tree species, Hydraulic structures, Soil Science, Mechanization

List of publications:?

  • Tupik, P. V. The study stands with Abies alba in the tract "Tisovik" of the National Park " Belovezhskaza?pushcha" / P. V. Tupik, S. V. Rebko, A. I? Goroshko – Problems of Forest Science and Silviculture. Proceedings of the Forest Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Gomel, 2016. – P. 88–95.

  • Tupik, P. V. Growth, productivity and heritability of height of the seed progeny of hybrid seed plantation of Pinus sylvestrys at 7 years of age / P. V. Tupik, S. V. Rebko, L. F. Poplavskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. №. I,? Forestry. – Minsk, 2016. P. 124–127.

  • Tupik, P. V. Selection of the Larix decidua on seed production? / P. V. Tupik, S. V. Rebko, L. F. Poplavskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. №. I,? Forestry. – Minsk, 2015. – №1. – P. 170–174.

  • Tupik, P. V. Introduction of of tree species: The course of lectures for students of a specialty 1-75 01 01 "Forestry" specialization 1-75 01 01 06 "Reforestation and Forest nursery"/ P.V. Tupik,? – Minsk: BSTU, 2014. – 77 p.

  • Tupik, P. V. Research of properties and sowing quality of forest seed materials of the Larix decidua ?/ P. V. Tupik, А.V. Mantickaya // Proceedings of BSTU. №. I,? Forestry. – Minsk, 2014. – №1. – P. 188–190.Tupik, P. V.

  • Growth and development of the pine interspecific grafts of Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica du tour.) in the conditions of Belarus / P. V. Tupik // Proceedings of BSTU. №. I,? Forestry. – Minsk, 2011. – P. 188–190.