Belarusian State
Technological University
Tolkach Olga


Tolkach Olga

Associate Professor of


Department of Organic Chemistry

Contact details

?+375 17 327 63 54 (office).


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 411-3

Research interests:

Methods of teaching of organic chemistry; physics and chemistry of polymers; technology of polymer materials.


"Organic chemistry" (for the 2nd year students of the faculty of technology of organic substances and biotechnology specialty pharmaceuticals technology);

"Organic chemistry with the basics of plant biochemistry" (for 1st year students of the Faculty of ?Forestry specialties forestry and ?landscape architecture);

"Organic chemistry with the fundamentals of biochemistry" (for students of 1 course Forestry Faculty specialties of ?tourism and nature management).

List of publications?:

  • Organic chemistry. The identification and structural analysis of the system of organic compounds. Shcherbina A. E, Antonevich I.P, ?Tolkach O. Ja. Mn .: BelSTU, 2005. ? 256 p.
  • Seliverstova T.S., Tolkach O.Ja. Organic Chemistry Laboratory workshop. Mn .: BelSTU, 2013. -113 p.
  • Tolkach O.Ja. Organic chemistry with the fundamentals of biochemistry. Workshop: ucheb method. Benefit from EMA gifom for students majoring 1-89 0202 "Tourism and Nature". MH: BelSTU, 2015. -118 p.
  • Prokopchuk NR, Tolkach O.Ja. Paplevko IG Temperature dependence of the activation energy of the degradation of plastics, rubbers and fibers. B. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences in 1998, T.42., №5. - P. 64-68.
  • N.R. Prokopchuk, O. Ja. Tolkach, A.I. Mardylovich. Method for estimation of polymer pipes exploitation terms. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association. 2003, vol. 8, N 4. - P. 246 -254.
  • Innovative training manual with electronic application for theoretical foundations of organic chemistry / A.E. Sherbina, O.Ya. Tolkach, M.A, Kushner, T.S. Seliviorstova. Sviridov Readings 2015: 7th Intern. Conf. on Chemistry and Chemical Education, Minsk, Belarus, 7-11 April, 2015: Book of Abstr. - P. 172-175