Belarusian State
Technological University
Tokar Olga












Tokar Olga

Associate Professor of


Department of Editing and Publishing Technology

Contact details

?8(017) 327 72 30


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 117-4

Research interests:

Methods of assessing the quality of fonts, ergonomics, editorial preparation of publications, children's literature.


"Editorial preparation of scientific and technical publications," "Edit certain types of literature", "Textual studies".

List of publications:?

  • Tokar O. V., Zilbergleit M. A. Defining the saturation set at change of?parameters of strip // Technology and technique of typography: collection of ?scientific papers. – Kiev: STUU "KPI". – 2016. – № 1. – P. 34-40.?
  • Tokar O. V. Predicting the readability of fonts by the method of discriminant?analysis // Technology and technique of typography: collection of scientific?papers. – Kiev: STUU "KPI". – 2016. – № 2. – P. 13-18.?
  • ?Tokar O. V., Zilbergleit M. A. The relationship of the geometric parameters of?the font and the objective and subjective readability // Technology and technique?of typography: collection of scientific papers. – Kiev: STUU "KPI". – 2015. –?№ 2. ?P. 47-54.?
  • Tokar O. V., Zilbergleit M. A. Building Association rules based on the?relationships of geometric parameters of fonts and objective readability //?Technology and technique of typography: collection of scientific papers. – Kiev:?STUU "KPI". – 2013. – № 1. – P. 40-46.?
  • Tokar O. V. Readable modern text fonts: monograph. ― Minsk: "Modern?school", 2007. – 192 p.?