Belarusian State
Technological University
Stasevich Olga

Stasevich Olga

Associate Professor of


Department?of Physical-Chemical Methods of Products Certification

Contact details

?+375 29 766 98 49, 8 (017) 327 74 32


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 207a-3

Research interests:

Chemistry of natural compounds: the isolation and purification of natural biological active substances, the synthesis of their derivatives and descovering their physical-chemical and biological characteristics.


"The optical methods and instruments for the quality control of industrial goods",
"The optical methods and instruments for the quality control of food",
"Food chemistry (for distance students)",
"Metrology and standartization".

List of publications:?

  • The mode of isolation of ferulic acid from beetroot peel extract / S.N. Shemet, N.V. Brushko, O.V. Stasevich // Molodezh v nauke-2014. – Minsk: 2015. – P. 54–57.
  • DNA-protector and cytotoxic activity of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside derivatives / O.V. Stasevich, T.V. Shman, S.G. Mikhalenok, V.P. Kurchenko // Chemistry of Natural Compounds. – 2010. ? Vol. 46, No. 5. ? P. 597–601.
  • Isolation of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside from lignin-containing extract of Linum usitatissimum seeds / O.V. Stasevich, S.G. Mikhalenok, V.P. Kurchenko // Chemistry of Natural Compounds. – 2009. ? Vol. 45, No. 1. ? P. 21–23.
  • Analysis of ferulic acid in plants, containing phenylpropanoids / O.V. Stasevich, Е.S. Likhtarovich,? S. N. Shemet // Trudy BGTU. – 2014. – № 4: Chemistry, technology of organic substances and biotechnology. – P. 200–203.
  • Selection of optimal conditions for separating lignan-containing extract from oil flax seed by thin-layer chromatography / O.V. Stasevich, S.G. Mikhalenok, V.P. Kurchenko // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. – 2009. ? Vol. 43, No. 7. ? P. 41–43.