Belarusian State
Technological University
Snapkou Vasil


Snapkou Vasil

Associate Professor


Department of Woodworking Technology

Contact details

?+375 44 7641811, 8 (017) 327 73 50


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 2-4

Research interests:

Hydrothermal Treatment of Wood, Wood Protection.


Hydrothermal Processing and Protection of Wood. Technology and Equipment of Woodworking Production.

List of publications:?

  • Snapkou V. Hydrothermal Treatment and Protection of Wood. Examples and tasks:? Tutorial for Students of Specialty ?Woodworking Technology?, Minsk: BSTU, 2005.
  • Trutko V., Snapkou V. Investigation of The Effect of Operating Conditions of the Impregnated Wood on the Effectiveness of Protective Means. Proceedings of? BSTU. – 2011. – Issue 2: Forest and Woodworking Industry.
  • Rudak O., Snapkou V. Changing of the Thermal Properties of Wood During its Warming up in Unsaturated Environment. Proceedings of? BSTU. – 2012. – Issue 2: Forest and Woodworking Industry.