Belarusian State
Technological University
Shashok Zhanna

Shashok Zhanna?

Associate Professor,?PhD in Engineering sciences


of Polymer Сomposite Materials

Contact details

?+375 29 653 69 75,?8 (017) 327 65 62


?Свердлова 13а, ауд. 204-2

Research interests:

Compounding formulation of elastomeric compositions using new ingredients multifunctional action; application of nanomaterials in the elastomeric compositions to modify the properties of rubber.


Technology of elastomeric compositions.

Basics of compounding formulation of elastomeric compositions.

List of publications:?

  • Elastomer composition with carbon nanomaterials /K.V. Vishnevskii, Zh. S. Shashok, N.R. Prokopchuk //International Polymer Science and Technology - Vol. 39, No. 10, 2012. - pp. 18-22
  • Improvement of the service properties of elastomer compositions by introduction of carbon nanomaterials /К. V. Vishnevskij, Zh. S. Shashok, N. R. Prokopchuk, A. V. Krauklis, and S. A. Zhdanok. - Journal of Engineering Physics and Therniophysics, Vol. 85, No. 5, September, 2012. - Р. 1086-1091.
  • Эластомерные композиции с улучшенными характеристиками / К.В. Вишневский, Ж.С. Шашок, Н.Р. Прокопчук // Материалы. Технологии. Инструменты. – 2012. – Т. 17, № 2. – С. 55–58.