Belarusian State
Technological University
Salauyova Iryna

Iryna Salauyova

PhD in Physico-mathematical sciences,?Associate Professor


Department of ?Higher Mathematics

Contact details

?(8-017) 327-10-20


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 318-4

Research interests:?

Numerical and analytical methods for solving boundary problems of differential equations; methodology of teaching the higher mathematics.


Higher Mathematics. Calculating Mathematics.

List of publications:?

  • Кuleshova I.F. On the calculation of the critical length for linear boundary problems // [Vestnik BSU], vol. I, physics, mathematics and mechanics.?Minsk, 1984. pp.33-35.

  • Kuleshova I.F. Monastyrnyi P.I. The theory of multiple bilateral zeroing method for linear problems with boundary layer // Journal "DAN BSSR" vol. 33. 1989, no. 2. pp. 106-109.

  • Kuleshova I.F. On the methods of introduction of regulatory factors in the sweep method for problems with boundary layer // Journal "proceedings of the academy of sciences of the BSSR, vol. physics and mathematics. Minsk.1989, no. 4. pp. 16-19.
  • Solovyova I.F. Solution of linear systems HDE second order with different locations of the boundary layers // [Trudy BGTU], 1999,?Ser. VII: Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics,?pp. 24-29 (In Russian).
  • Solovyova I.F. On the property of stiffness in the Cauchy problem and boundary value problems with a small parameter at the highest derivative //?[Trudy BGTU], 2000,?Ser. VIII: Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics,?pp. 24-27 (In Russian).
  • Solovyova I.F. Getting error estimates for solving boundary value problems with boundary layer //?[Trudy BGTU], 2011,?Ser. VI (144): Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics,?pp. 12-14 (In Russian).
  • Solovyova I.F. The impact of the boundary layer on the solution of nonlinear boundary value problems with a small parameter at the highest derivative?//?[Trudy BGTU], 2014,?Ser. VI (162): Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics,?pp. 10-12 (In Russian).
  • Solovyova I.F. Effect of boundary layers in the solution of boundary value problems with a small parameter at the highest derivative // [Trudy BGTU], 2013,?Ser. VI : Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics,?pp. 8-11 (In Russian).
  • Solovyova I.F. The impact of a small parameter at the highest derivative in the solution of boundary value problems //?[Trudy BGTU], 2015,?Ser. VI?: Physical-mathematical sciences and informatics,?pp. 13-15 (In Russian).
