Belarusian State
Technological University
Sakalouski Ivan


Sokolovskiy Ivan

Associate Professor of


Forest Plantations and Soil Science

Contact details

?+375 29 6905082


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 235-1

Research interests:

the structure, characteristics and properties of forest soils of Belarus, their relationship with the forest types


soil science with the basics of agriculture

List of publications:?

  • Soil science: textbook for students of specialties "Forestry", "landscape construction"/ I. V. Sokolovskiy. - Minsk: BSTU, 2005.- 330 p.

  • Basics of agriculture: a textbook for students of specialties "Forestry", "landscape construction"/ I. V. Sokolovskiy, V. N. Bosak. - Minsk: Belarusian state technological University, 2012.- 137 p.

  • Atlas of morphological characteristics of forest soils of Belarus: a reference edition. /I. V. Sokolovskiy, A. V. Urena. – Minsk: Ed. the magazine “Forest and hunting jokaista”, 2013. – 136 p.: Il.

  • Workshop on soil science with the basics of agriculture: a textbook for students of specialties "Forestry", "landscape construction"/ Sokolovskiy I. V.,. Domasevic A. A., Urena A. V. - Minsk: BSTU, 2016.- 184 p.

  • Sokolovskiy I.V. Rationale for changes in cla ssification of sandy soil and soil-forming rocks in granulometric composition. // forest science and forestry. Edition 74. – Gomel: Institute of forest of NAS of Belarus.- 2014. – P. 447-452.

  • Sokolovskiy I.V., Bespalyy A.A. Forest vegetation groups of soils in upland oak groves of Belarusian Polesye. // forest science and forestry. Edition 75. – Gomel: Institute of forest of NAS of Belarus.- 2015. – P. 484-492.

  • Bespalyy A. A., Sokolovskiy I. V. Growing of oak cultures in floodplain river Pripyat territory of the National park “Pripyat”. // Trudy BGTU, 2016.No. 1: Forestry. – P. 103-105.

  • Sokolovskiy I. V.,? Domasevich, A. A. Change acidity sifted peat. // Trudy BGTU, 2016.No. 1: Forestry. – P. 144-147.

  • Sokolovskiy I.V. Structure, composition and properties of forest soils on the moraine and la custrine-glacial deposits with carbonate. // forest science and forestry. Edition 76. – Gomel: Institute of forest of NAS of Belarus.- 2016. – P. 449-454.