Belarusian State
Technological University
Sabadaha Elena

Sabadaha Elena

Senior lector,?PhD in Engineering sciences


of Polymer Сomposite Materials

Contact details

?+375 29?778 94 62, факс 8 (017) 327 65 62


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 210-2

Research interests:

Technology of paintwork materials and coatings, development formulations of paintwork materials with tailor-made properties; bioprotective coating; biodegradation of polymer materials, fungitoxity and funginert of polymer materials, development of highthermostable polymer composite.


Chemical engineering of monomers for profucing film-former.

Functional additives for water-dispersion paint.

Chemistry and technology fiber- and film-forming biopolymers.

Research methods and properties modification of organic substances, materials and productes.

List of publications:?

  • The effect of fungi metobolic on physical and mechanical properties of the coatings / E.N. Sabadaha, N.R. Prokopchuk, I.A. Goncharova // Proceedings of BSTU? Chemistry, Organic Substances Technology and Biotechnology. – 2010. – V. XVIII. – P. 306–309.
  • Investigation fungitoxity of coatings on the base of water-dispersion paint model systemes / E.N. Sabadaha, N.R. Prokopchuk, I.A. Goncharova // Materials, Technologies, Instruments. – 2009. – V. 14, №1. – P. 39–42.
  • Investigation the effect of pigments and water-dispersion film-former on the coatings biostability / E.N. Sabadaha, N.R. Prokopchuk, I.A. Goncharova // Rroceedings of the Nat. Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – 2009. – V. 53, №2. – P. 65–68.
  • The effect of nanoadditives introduction method on the properties of the modified alkyd and epoxide primers / A.L. Shutova, E.N. Sabadaha, N.R. Prokopchuk, E.I. Hovanskaya // Proceedings of BSTU.?– 2015. – № 4: Chemistry, Organic Substances Technology and Biotechnology.?– P. 115–120.
  • The environmental impact reduction principles of bioprotective paintwork material during the wood surface paint / E.N. Sabadaha, N.R. Prokopchuk, I.A. Goncharova // Proceedings of BSTU.?– 2015. – № 4: Chemistry, Organic Substances Technology and Biotechnology.?