Belarusian State
Technological University
Rykhlitskaya Anastasiya

Anastasiya Rykhlitskaya



Department of Economics and Marketing

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 70 66


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 241-4

Research interests:

1. improving marketing activities and increasing the efficiency of enterprises;

2. formation and effective functioning of marketing and logistics systems of enterprises in the furniture industry;

3. marketing research of the enterprises of the furniture industry.


Economic theory, Macroeconomics, National economy of Belarus, Marketing, International marketing, Marketing research, Customs relations, Marketing with the basics of logistics

List of publications?:?

1. Baranovsky, S. I. Mechanism of formation of marketing-logistic systems at the enterprises of the furniture industry / S. I. Baranovsky, A. V. Rykhlitskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. - Minsk: BSTU, 2014. - No. 7 (171). - P. 110-113.

2. Baranovsky, S. I. Conceptual model of the formation of marketing-logistic systems at the enterprises of the furniture industry of the Republic of Belarus / S. I. Baranovsky, A. V. Rykhlitskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. - Minsk: BSTU, 2015. - No. 7 (180). - S. 194-199.

3. Baranovsky, S. I. Organizational-economic mechanism at the enterprises of the furniture industry / S. I. Baranovsky, A. V. Rykhlitskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. - Minsk: BSTU, 2016. - No. 7 (189). - P. 192-197.

4. Rykhlitskaya, A. V. Methodological principles and features of the formation of marketing-logistics systems at the furniture industry enterprises / A. V. Rykhlitskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. Ser. VII, Branch Economy. - Minsk: BSTU, 2014. - Issue. 22. - P. 216-219.

5. Rykhlitskaya, A. V. The mechanism of calculation of costs for the formation of marketing and logistics systems at enterprises of the furniture industry of the Republic of Belarus / A. V. Rykhlitskaya // Proceedings of BSTU. Ser. VII, Economics and Management. - Minsk: BSTU, 2015. - Issue. 23. - P. 299-303.