Belarusian State
Technological University
Rudak Pavel


Rudak Pavel

Associate Professor


Department of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems

Contact details

?8 (017) 289 10 51


?Beloruskaja St. 19a, 10-5

Research interests:

Modern engineering technology, new tool materials for woodworking, development of wear-resistant ion-plasma coatings for wood-cutting tools, woodworking tools resistance, improving the design of the cutting tool, improvement of methods of mechanical processing of materials, cutting with oscillation, development of energy- and resource-saving modes of operation of the tail cutter in the processing of wood materials, removing the cutting waste from the treatment zone and workspace dedusting, reduce noise and vibration in the industry, in buildings and structures.

Modern methods and techniques in teaching. Mnemotechnics for engineers.


??Mechanical Engineering Technology

? Structural Materials Technology

? Materials Science and Materials Processing

? Materials Science

? Design and operation of machine tools

? Mnemotechnics for engineers

List of publications:?


1) Rudak, P.V., Kuis D.V., Rudak O.G. (2013) The results of mathematical modeling of the process output chips from the cutting zone of plate wood materials, Bulletin of the Gomel State Technical University, pp. 3–12

2) Keturakis, G., Baltrusaitis А., Rudak, P.V., Kuis D.V. (2014) Effect of cutting speed and feed to the initial wear of woodworking tools, Proceedings of BSTU, Forest and Woodworking Industry, №2, pp. 191–192

?3) Rudak, P.V., Ková? J., Kuis D.V., Rudak O.G., Barcík ?., Krilek J., Razumov E.J. (2015) Experimental researches tribological properties of hard-alloy blades with a vacuum-plasma coating in the chipboards milling process, Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun., Volume 63, Issue 5, pp. 1543-1547

?4) Kuis, D.V., Okatova G.P., Svidunovich, N.A., Rudak P.V., Tobolich I.I., Lezhnev S.N., Tolkushkin A.O., Urbanovich V.S. (2015) Amorphous-nanocrystalline composite based on nanocarbon, obtained by sintering under high pressure, Proceedings of the 2015 second international conference on computer, intelligent and education technology (CICET 2015, April 11-12,? Computing, Control, Information and Education Engineering), pp. 731-735.

?5) Latushkina, S.D. Rudak P.V., Kuis D.V., Rudak O.G., Posylkina O.I., Piskunova O.Y., Kova? J., Krilek J., Barcik ?. Protective Woodcutting Tool Coatings, Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun., Volume 64, pp. 835-839.