Belarusian State
Technological University
Poplauskaya Lilia


Poplavskaya Lilia

Associate Professor of


Forest Plantations and Soil Science

Contact details

?+375?29?691?81?78, +375?17?327?73?89


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 235-1

Research interests:

Selection of Forest Tree Species on the Productivity and Stability of the Method of Individual Selection and Hybridization


Genetics and Selection

List of publications:?

  • Growth, productivity and heritability of height of clonal seed progeny hybrid seed plantation of a pine ordinary at 7 years of age. Proceedings of BSTU. – 2016. – №?1 – P.?124–128.

  • The dynamics of growth of pine ordinary varieties of variety ?Negorelskaya? Proceedings of BSTU. – 2015. – №?1 – P.?153–156

  • Age dynamics of growth of individual families’ hybrid seed plantation a pine ordinary in various areas of forest growth??? Proceedings of BSTU. – 2014. – №?1 – P.?163–166.

  • Selection of edafotips by studying of forest plantations? Problems of Forest Science and Silviculture. Proceedings of the Forest Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Gomel 2015

  • Climatic ecotypes - the raw material for selection a pine ordinary productivity. ?Minsk: “ Jenciklopediks”, 2014. – P. 79–86.

  • A method for creating population-clonal seed orchards black alder.?National Intellectual Property Center, Minsk, 2014 (patent).

  • Sort of Pinus sylvestrys ?Negorelskaya? Certificate №?0003707, State Inspectorate for Protection and Protection of Plant Varieties

  • The selection a pine ordinary seed production in the Polesie area of forest see // Proceedings of BSTU, № 1, Forestry, Minsk, 2013.

  • Seed progeny test a pine ordinary forest growing in different areas. // Proceedings of BSTU, № 1, Forestry, Minsk, 2013.

  • Method tab population-clonal of forest seed plantations National Intellectual Property Center, Minsk, 2013 (patent).

  • Breeding characteristics of a pine ordinary trees of varying resistance to root sponge // Problems of Forest Science and Silviculture. Proceedings of the Forest Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Gomel 2013

  • A method of forming a larch plantation forest seed // National Intellectual Property Center, Minsk, 2012 (patent).

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