Belarusian State
Technological University
Piatrova Liudmila


Petrova Lyudmila

Professor at the Department of


Department of Editing and Publishing Technology

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 72 30


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 117-4

Research interests:

Editorial preparation of publications.


Editing of certain types of literature, Editing newspaper and magazine publications, Overall course of editing.

List of publications:?

  • Petrova L., Mikityuk A. Special vocabulary in sports newspaper // Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. — 2015. — Pp. 106–110. (In Russian)
  • Petrova L., Drozdova M. Conceptual solutions of the developing coloring book // Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. — 2015. — Pp. 101–106. (In Russian)
  • Petrova L.?Basic Editing: a systematic approach to the editor of activity.?— Minsk: Bookmaster, 2012.?— 384 p.