Belarusian State
Technological University
Osoko Sergei

Osoko Sergei Anatol’evich

Assistant lecturer?


Informatics and Web-Design

Contact details


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 409-1

Research interests:

CAD of woodworking enterprises; CAD of processing equipment actuator.


  • informatics and Computer Graphics;
  • computer Information Technology;
  • web Programming of Electronic Publications.

List of publications:?

  • Yanushkevich A. A. Informational Technologies in? Cleaving / A. A. Yanushkevich [and others] // Woodworking Industry, 1993, №5 – P. 3-5.
  • Yanushkevich A. A. Automatized Measuring Complex for Rickers / A. A. Yanushkevich [and others] // Proceedings of BTI. Ser II. Vol. I. – Minsk, 1993. P. 100 – 104.
  • Osoko S. A. Formation Sets on Bucking Flitches with a Glance of Utilization Specifics / S. A. Osoko // Proceedings of BSTU. Vol. III. – Minsk, 1996. P. 65 – 67.
  • Osoko S. A. Influence of Belt Loader Parameters on Required Engine Power / S. A. Osoko, E. E. Ovcharenko, E. V. Romanova // Proceedings of BSTU. Ser. II. Vol. XIII. – Minsk, 2005. P. 216 – 218.
  • Osoko S. A. Application of Genetic Algorithms in Planning Round Timber Dressing / S. A. Osoko // Proceedings of BSTU. Ser. II. Vol. XIV. – Minsk, 2006. P. 259 – 261.
  • Ignatovich L. V. Application of Mathematical Modelling for Prediction of Complicated Images on the Laminated Veneer Surface of Decorative Furniture Elements and Timber Products / L. V. Ignatovich, A. V. Shishov, S. A. Osoko // III International Eurasian Symposium, Yekaterinburg, 2008.
  • Ignatovich L. V. Construction of Threedimentional Surface of Matrix and Hub for Producing Laminated Veneer Decorative Elements with Specified Image / L. V. Ignatovich, A. V. Shishov, S. A. Osoko // Architecture and Building Sciences, 2010, №1. P. 61 – 64.