Belarusian State
Technological University
Novoselskaya Olga

Olga Novoselskayalga Novoselskaya

Senior lecturer, PhD (technology)


Informatics and Web-Design

Contact details

?+375 29 27 37?097, 8 (017) 327 43 76


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 409-1

Research interests:

Printing properties of paper with non-uniform compositions, ink and mechanism of its penetration into paper, color reproduction in computer systems, graphic accuracy of an image.?


  • color Theory;
  • basics of 3D-modelling;
  • informatics and Computer Graphics.

List of publications:?

  • Method for Controlling the Deviation of Paper Printing Properties from Nominal: Pat. Rep. of Belarus № 15509, IPC8 G 01 N 21/89 (2006.01), G 01N 33/34 (2006.01) / O.?A.?Novoselskaya, V. I. Temruk, A. A. Penkin, T. V. Solov’eva; applicant Byelorus. State Technolog. Un-ty. – № а20091585; stated 2009.11.10; published 2012.02.28. // Official bulletin / National Intellectual Property Center, 2012. № 1. P. 150.
  • Zhuk, A. Digital Printing and the Influence of Printed Material Structure on Image Quality / A.?Zhuk, D. Sokolovsky, A. Gubarev, O. Novoselskaya // Proceedings of Chemnitz University of Thechnology; prof. R. R. Baumann [and others]. – Berlin, 2013. – P. 321–326.
  • Novoselskaya, O. A. Use of Comprehensive Indicator of Value as a criteria for Estimation of Multifactor Systems / O.?A.?Novoselskaya, L.?V.?Novoselskaya, P.?I.?Pismensky, T. V. Solov’eva // Mathematics Methods in Technique and Technology.?– MMTT-27: Proceedings of XXVII Int. Scient. Conf.: in 12 vol. – Vol. 5. Sections 1, 2, 5. – Tambov: Tambov State Technical University, 2014.?– P. 115–117.
  • Novoselskaya, O. A. Scale Control and Quality Management Of Printed Image Parameters / O.?A.?Novoselskaya, V.?L. Kolesnikov, T. V. Solov’eva, I. V. Nagornova, О.?V. Trapeznikova, E. V. Trapeznikov // Dynamics of Systems, Mechanizms and Machines. – Vol. 1. – Omsk, 2016. – № 1. – P.?353–360.