Belarusian State
Technological University
Nosnikau Vadzim


Head of the department, Ph.D. in Agricultural, Associate professor (Forestry)


Forest plantations and soil science

Contact details

?+375 29?329 24 29, +375 17?327 36 38


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 320-1

Research interests:

Artificial reforestation cultivation of forest planting material, mechanization of reforestation, protective afforestation.


  • Forest plantations and protective afforestation
  • Intensive technology of cultivation of a planting material and reforestation
  • Forest melioration and land reclamation
  • Machinery in the Landscape Structures

List of publications:?

  • Nosnikov V. Artificial reforestation as a major tool to improve forest productivity and quality in the Republic of Belarus// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "The experience of forest management in the Republic of Belarus and the neighboring countries, the prospects for jointly overcome global challenges of modernity”, Minsk, 15-16 September 2016, – p. 36-42
  • Nosnikov V. Technology of application of herbicides at the chemical carry in forest plantations/ V. V. Nosnikov, A. V. Jurenja, A. P. Majseenok.– ISSN 1683-0377. Proceedings of BSTU. 2016. No. 1. Forestry. – p. 119-123.
  • Nosnikov V. Reforestation in Republic of Belarus subject to foreign experience/ V. V. Nosnikov. – ISSN 1683-0377. Proceedings of BSTU. 2015. No. 1. Forestry. – p. 145-148.
  • Nosnikov V. Container seedlings: Quality assessment/ V. V. Nosnikov. – Forestry and hunting, №4, 2015. – p. 11-13.
  • Nosnikov V. Efficiency of presowing treatment of pine and spruce seeds with Emistim-c drug/ V. V. Nosnikov, A. P. Volkovich, A. V. Yurenya, V. A. Yarmolovich. – ISSN 1683-0377. Proceedings of BSTU. 2014. No. 1. Forestry. – p. 150-153.