Belarusian State
Technological University
Nikitenko Anastasiya

Nikitenko Anastasia

Ph.D., senior lecturer


Department of physical and chemical methods certification of products

Contact details

+375 29?761 15 88, 8 (017) 327 74 32


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 101-3

Research interests:

– Development of new types of food products,

– Study of quality and safety of different groups of food products,

– Study of physical, chemical and biochemical processes in the manufacture of food products,

– Development of production technologies of chips based on apples,

– Development of methods for determination of raw materials quality parameters and products from them.


- The identification and detection of adulteration of food,

- Safety requirements for the certification of food products.

List of publications?:?

  • Nikitenko, A. The use of international standards for sensory analysis in the training of the engineers of certification / A. Nikitenko, Z.?Yegorova // Responsible research and Innovation in Food Value Chain: Book of abstracts .,4th International ISEKI_Food Conference 6–8 July 2016 – Vienna: ISEKI-Food Association, 2016 – P.?61.
  • The results of studies were presented at national and international scientific conferences and exhibitions and were summarized in 50 scientific papers, 2 patents and ?3?technical normative legal acts. The project "Development of apple chips technology" was a finalist for "100 Ideas of Belarus" competition, as well as the winner of the business battlefield in the "Best Youth Innovation Project" competition.