Belarusian State
Technological University
Neverov Aleksander Vasilievich


Neverov Aleksander Vasilievich

Doctor in Economics, PhD in Regional Economics



of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development



?8 (017) 327-62-41


Sverdlova St. 13a, 432-4

Research interests:

Sustainable development, creating the "green" economy, environmental economics, environmental management, resource management, relevant issues in management, sustainable development.


"Environmental Economics", "Environmental Management", "Principles of sustainable environmental management."

List of publications:?

  • I. V. Voytov, А. V. Neverov, Ch. A. Romanovsky, O. I. Rod’kin, А. V. Ravino, А. I. Kavrus. Organic agriculture: the experience of foreign countries and actual aspects of regional development in Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU. – 2017. – № 7: Economics and Management: 145-151
  • Multilevel governance in forestry and land-use in Belarus / Neverov А., Ravino А. et al. 2017. – 48 p.
  • Neverov А., Miatselski A., Ravino А. 2014 Integrated software landscape planning (submitted Proceedings of BSTU. – 2014. – № 7: Economics and Management)
  • Neverov A.V., Shkaruba, A., Kireyeu, V. Forest Governance, Minsk 2014 submitted (Pachatkovaya shcola)
  • Neverov A.V. Ravino A.V. Malashevich E.G. Methodical bases of economic efficiency determination in maintaining forestry Proceedings of BSTU. – 2013. – № 7: Economics and Management: 142-146
  • Neverov A.V., Varapayeva O. A., Masilevich N. A. Economic assessment of natural and resource capacity of the region: theory and practice of application (2013) Proceedings of BSTU. – 2013. – № 7: Economics and Management: 101-106
  • Neverov A.V., Varapayeva O. A. The rules of conservation of nature and natural resources (general environment requirements) (2012), Minsk, Environmental Protection and Nature Use.
  • Neverov А. V Nature management Economics: manual, Minsk, BSTU, 2009. – 554 p.