Belarusian State
Technological University
Masilevich Natallia

Natallia Masilevich

PhD in Biology, Assistant Professor


The Department of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 62 41


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 425a-4

Research interests:?

sustainable development, creating the "green" economy, the ecological and economic mechanism of developing protected natural areas, relevant issues in financial management, economics of sustainable tourism.


Finance and Financial Management, Economics of Tourism Market, Management, Business Management, Planning and Organization of Environmental Tourism.

List of publications:?

  • Masilevich N. A.? The Neman Baltic Landscape: Current Description and Assessment of the Linkages between the Biophysical and Socio-Economic Parameters of the Landscape// Proceedings of the BSTU, 2014, no. 7: Economics and Management, pp. 84–88.
  • Neverov A. V., Masilevich N. A. Sustainable Development of the Bielaviezha Ecological Region: Concept and Topical Issues // Proceedings of the BSTU, 2014, no. 7: Economics and Management, pp.60–64.
  • Masilevich N. A.? Socio-economic assessment of the? Development of the Bielaviezha Ecological Region // Proceedings of the BSTU, 2015, no. 7: Economics and Management, pp.102??–105.
  • Neverov A. V., Masilevich N. A. The Concept and strategy of Sustainable Development? of the Bielaviezha Ecological Region //Proceedings of the BSTU, 2015, no. 7: Economics and Management, pp.69–74.
  • Masilevich N. A.? Developing the Ecological Culture of Economics Students // Proceedings of the BSTU, 2015, no. 8,pp.52–55.
  • Masilevich N. А. The methodological framework for assessing the sustainability of regional development // European Academic Conferences. Recent Studies of Social Sciences. International scientific-practical conference. 14-15 May 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine. Р. 20–22.
  • Neverov A. V., Masilevich N. A. Sustainablity assessment of the Development of?? an Ecologically-oriented Region // Proceedings of the BSTU, 2016, no. 7: Economics and Management, pp.
  • Neverov A. V., Masilevich N. A. The Bielaviezha Ecological Region: Founding and Sustainable Development Issues / Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development of Palessye. International Scientific conference. 14 – 17 September 2016. Minsk: Bielaruskaya navuka. 2016. – In 2 vol. Vol. 1, 618 p., p. 177–180.
  • Masilevich N. A.? Economics of Tourism Market. Lectures for students of 1-89 02 02 Tourism and Environmental Management / Minsk: BSTU, 2015. – 124 p.
  • Masilevich N. A.? Finance and Financial Management. Lectures for students of 1-26 02 02 Management. Minsk: BSTU, 2016. –? 210 p.