Belarusian State
Technological University
Manzhynski Siarhei

Manzhynski Siarhei

Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor (Docent)


Economics and Plant Management

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 15 37


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 337-4

Research interests:

Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Indicators, New Business Models, Coopetition,?Corporate Governance issues, Investment and Innovation Management.


External Economic Activities (International economics); Investment management;?Production Organization; Risk management; Corporate Governance.

List of publications (selected from recent):?

  • Manzhynski, S., Figge, F., Hassel, L., 2015. Sustainable Value creation of nine countries of the Baltic region. Value, changes and drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production 108, Part A, 637-646.
  • Biedenbach G. and Manzhynski S., 2016. Internal branding and sustainability: Investigating perceptions of employees. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 25 Iss: 3, pp. 296 - 306
  • Manzhynski S., Siniak N., ?róbek S. Sustainability performance in the Baltic Sea region. Land Use Policy, Vol. 30, pp. 489–498
  • ?róbek S., Manzhynski S., Zysk E., Rassokha Y., 2016. Some Aspects of Local Real Estate Taxes as an Instrument of Land Use Management. Real Estate Management and Valuation, Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 93–105
  • Biedenbach G. and Manzhynski S. Sustainability and internal branding: Investigating perceptions of employees in industrial markets // Proceedings of 10th Global Brand Conference Academy of Marketing's Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation Special Interest Group (SIG) Academy of Marketing Turku, Finland 27-29 April 2015. – pp.?15–18.
  • Biedenbach G. and Manzhynski S. Sustainability and internal brand commitment: An empirical investigation in a transition economy // Proceedings of the 44th EMAC Conference Leuven, Belgium 26-29 May 2015
  • Manzhynski S. and Hassel L.G. Sustainability as a business model: policy and real estate perspectives from Belarus // Proceedings of 20th Annual international sustainable development research conference Norwegian university of science and technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 18–20, 2014. – pp.?430–438.