Belarusian State
Technological University
Makoznak Natalia

Natalia Makoznak

Assistant Professor, PhD (Architecture)


Department of Landscape Design and Architecture

Contact details

?+375 17 327 15 21


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 332-4

Research interests:

landscape architecture and landscape design, history of landscape art, composition theory in landscape design, architectural and landscape organization of memorial places.


  • Drawing and Basics of Composition
  • History and Theory of Landscape Art
  • Garden Architectural Forms
  • Urban Open Spaces Systems
  • Basics of Garden Maintenance
  • Perspective Directions of Landscape Design and Construction
  • Modern Methods of Plant Use in Landscape Architecture and Design
  • Perspective Directions of Landscape Architecture and Design

List of publications:?

  • Antipov?V., Burganskaya?T., Makoznak?N. Loshitza estate park complex in Minsk: problems of preservation and reconstruction. Abstracts of conference ?Urban Greenspace in the 21-st Century – Urban Greening as a Development Tool?. In 2?books, book 1. – St.Petersburg, 2001. – Р.?12–16.
  • Искусство архитектурно-ландшафтного дизайна / Г.А.?Потаев, А.В.?Мазаник, Е.Е.?Нитиевская, Л.Е.?Рысь, Н.А.?Лазовская, Г.Р.?Потаева, Н.А.?Макознак; под общ. ред. Г.А.?Потаева. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2008. – 217?с.
  • Основы декоративного садоводства: учеб. пособие: в 2?ч. Ч.?2: Строительство и эксплуатация объектов озеленения / Н.А.?Макознак [и др.].?– Минск: Выш. шк., 2010. – 272 с.; электр. прил.
  • Макознак,?Н.А. Основы садово-паркового хозяйства. Методические рекомендации к лабораторным занятиям для студентов специальности
    1-75?02?01 ?Лесное хозяйство??/ Н.А.?Макознак, И.К.?Зельвович.?– Минск: БГТУ, 2012. – 69?с.
  • Макознак,?Н.А. История и теория ландшафтного искусства?: учеб.-метод. пособие для студентов специальности 1-75?02?01 ?Садово-парковое строительство??/ ?Н.А.?Макознак.?– Минск: БГТУ, 2014.?– 68?с.
  • Makoznak?N.А., Berezko?О.М., Telesh?А.D., Zelvovich?I.C. Particularity of color and compositional solu-tions of the flower-decorative design in the zones of pedestrian activity in residential spaces of Minsk // Proceedings of BSTU. 2014. No 1: Forestry. P.?225-227.
  • The collection of ornamental plants and compositions in the parterre of BSTU Botanical Garden /?Burgantskaya?T.M., Makoznak?N.A., Prahodski?S.A., Berezko?O.M. // Part II of the Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference ?Recreation Today: Trends and Possibilies? (Litnuania, Kaunas, 20?November 2015). “Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engeneering University of Applied Sciences”, 2016. – P.?85–89.