Belarusian State
Technological University
Lyubimov Alexander Gennadievich


Lyubimov Alexander Gennadievich

Senior Lecturer,?PhD in Engineering sciences



of Polymer Сomposite Materials



?+375 44?719 52 53,?8 (017) 327 65 62


Sverdlova St. 13a, 112-2

Research interests:

Modification of polyolefins, recycled polymers, nanocomposite polymer materials, polymer synthesis, polymer testing.


The technology of plastics, plastics processing technology, composite materials technology, chemistry and physics of plastics technology and equipment synthetic polymer processing, methods of research and modification of organic substances of materials and products, organic chemistry and high molecular compounds.


  • Lyubimov, AG Changing the physical and mechanical characteristics of polypropylene with multiple processing / AG Lyubimov, AF Manulenko, Prokopchuk NR // Materials. Technologies. Instruments. - 2014. - T. 19, № 2. - S. 50-53.
  • Modification of recycled polypropylene by metal products oligomerization oleilimidazolina / AG Lyubimov [et al.] // Proceedings. Technologies. Instruments. - 2013. - T.18, № 2. - S. 61-64.
  • Lyubimov A.G. Electromagnetic characteristics of thin polyethylene-carbon-polyethylene films / Volynets N.I., Plyushch A.O., Poddubskaya O.G., Kuzhir P.P., Lyubimov A.G., Korovin E.Y., Suslyaev V.I., Macutkevic J., Pikutskaya E.S., Baturkin S.A., Klochkov A.Y.