Belarusian State
Technological University
Leonovich Oleg Konstantinovich


Leonovich Oleg Konstantinovich

Associate Professor, Head of the Research Laboratory of Fire-Protection of Building Structures and Materials



of Woodworking Technology



?+375 29 318 99 96, 8 (017) 327 73 50


Sverdlova St. 13a, 1-4

Research interests:

Theory and practice of protection of wood materials against fire and biological agents; chemical and technological processes of fire retardants and preservatives production, deep impregnation of timber.


Woodworking Technology.

List of publications:?

  • Leonovich O. Technology of Wood Modification for Power Line Posts Production: Scientific Thesis. – Minsk, 1988.
  • Bazhelka I., Leonovich O. Determination of timber destruction caused by different fungi through DNA analysis. Proceedings of BSTU. – 2009. – Issue?2: Wood and Woodworking Industry.
  • Leonovich O. Theoretical calculation of the duration of timber evacuation with account of the permeability coefficients and material resistance. // Proceedings of BSTU. – 2011. – Issue?2: Wood and Woodworking Industry.
  • Leonovich O. Calculation of technological parameters of wood impregnation with account of wood permeability // Architecture and Construction Science. Scientific Information Journal: BAARH – №1, 2 (14, 15). – 2013.