Belarusian State
Technological University
Kulikouskaia Maryna




Department of?Physical Training and Sport?

Contact details

?8 (017) 289 14 26


?Sverdlova St. 13a,?24-sports complex

Research interests:?Physical training of special educational department students.



  • Physical Training.

List of publications:?

  • Kulikovskaia M.V. Comparative analysis of physical fitness of students of special training department of faculty of Publishing and Printing?of 2013 / M.V. Kulikovskaia // BSTU. Social Sciences and Humanities: abstracts 78th scientific conference of the faculty, researchers and graduate students / with international participation. [Electronic resource]. Minsk: Belarusian State Technological University, 2014. - P. 67.
  • Igrova O.G. Nordic walking as a means of physical training of students of special medical group / O.G. Igrova, M.V. Kulikovskaia, EA Guseva // BSTU. Social Sciences and Humanities: abstracts 80 th Scientific Conference of the faculty, researchers and graduate students / with international participation. [Electronic resource]. Minsk: BSTU, 2016. - P. 77-78.