Belarusian State
Technological University
Kuis Dmitry

Kuis Dmitry

Head of Department,?Associate Professor,?Ph.D.

Member of the State Expert Council № 2 " Manufacturing ", Expert Council of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, the state expert commissions on acceptance of the research, Council of the faculty, expert Council of faculty


Department of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems

Contact details

?8 (017) 289-10-51


?Beloruskaja St. 19a, 18a-5

Research interests:

Material science, construction materials technology, metallurgy, casting production, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.


"Material science", "Material science and construction materials technology", "Material science and materials processing", "Construction materials technology", "Manufacturing Technology"

List of publications:?

1.?Витязь, П.А., Свидунович, Н.А., Куис, Д.В. Наноматериаловедение: учеб. пособие с грифом Мин老虎机游戏. – Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2015. – 511 с.

2.?Жарский, И.М., Иванова, Н.П., Куис, Д.В., Свидунович Н.А. Материаловедение: учеб. пособие с грифом Мин老虎机游戏. – Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2015. – 557 с.

3.?Жарский, И.М., Иванова, Н.П., Куис, Д.В., Свидунович Н.А. Коррозия и защита металлических конструкций и оборудования: учеб. пособие с грифом Мин老虎机游戏. – Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2012. – 303 с.

4.?Kuis D.V., Okatova G.P., Svidunovich N.A., Rudak P.V., Tobolich I.L.., Lezhnev S.N., Tolkushkin O.A., Urbanovich V.S. Amorphous-nanocrystalline composite based on nanocarbon, obtained by sintering under high pressure // Computing, Control, Information and Education Engineering – Liu, Sung & Yao (eds), 2015, pp 731-735.

5.?Lezhnev S., Kuis D., Volochko A., Shegidevich A., Svidunovich N., Naizabekov A. Cast Aluminum Composite Obtained by Using Ultrafine Carbon Raw Materials // J Material Sci Eng 4: 166, 2015.
