Belarusian State
Technological University
Kudashov Valery

Kudashov Valeriy Ivanovich

Dr.Sci. (Economics), Professor


Department of production organization and real estate economics

Contact details


?Sverdlova St. 13a,?427-а


Research interests:

Innovative development of Belarus Republic Economy.

Intellectual Property Management: theoretical-methodological and organizational-legal aspects.

Competitiveness of companies.

Economy of timber industry.

Organization, enterprise management.


Economy of the sector;

The organization of production and enterprise management;

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management;

Economics and Management of Innovations.

List of publications:?

1. The competitiveness of the economy: an innovative approach. Monograph. Edited by VI Kudashova, AS Golovacheva. Minsk, 2012 - 484 p.

2. Intellectual property management basics. Textbook. - Minsk, 2013

3. Economics of organization (enterprise). Training and methodical complex. Edited by V.I. Kudashov, AS Golovacheva. Minsk, 2013 - 588 p.

4. Intellectual property: economic, organizational and legal mechanisms of management. Monograph. IN AND. Kudashov, Y. - Minsk, 2013 - 192 p.

5. Economics and management of innovation. Tutorial - Minsk, 2015 - 268 p.