Belarusian State
Technological University
Kruk Mikalai

Kruk Mikalai

Head of Department


Department of Physics

Contact details

?+375 44 78 10 520, +375 17 399 49 60


?Sverdlova St. 13a,504-1

Research interests:

Molecular spectroscopy and luminescnece.


“Physics”, “Lasers and Technical Optics.”

List of publications:?

  • Karotki A., Drobizhev M., Kruk M., Spangler C. W., Nickel E., Mamardashvili N., Rebane A. / Enhancement of two-photon absorption in tetrapyrrolic compounds // Journal of Optical Society of America: B. - 2003. - Vol.20, №2. - P.321-332.
  • M. M. Kruk, A. S. Starukhin, W. Maes / Influence of macrocycle protonation on the photophysical properties of porphyrins // Macroheterocycles. – 2011. - V.4, №2. - P. 69 – 79.
  • W. J. D. Beenken, M. Presselt, T. H. Ngo, W. Dehaen, W. Maes and M. M. Kruk, Molecular Structures and Absorption Spectra Assignment of Corrole NH Tautomers // J. Phys. Chem., A. – 2014. - Vol. 118, № 5. - P. 862 - 871.