Belarusian State
Technological University
Kravchuk Alexander Petrovich


Kravchuk Alexander Petrovich

Senior Lecturer, PhD



of Glass and Ceramics Technology



?+375 29 702 72 88, 8 (017) 327 43 08


Sverdlova St. 13a, 313-2

Research interests:

Wear-resistant, heat-resistant and transparent glass ceramics, glass ceramics on the base of rock, cast stone;

High-quality colored (selenium and copper ruby) and opacificationing glass, lead-free crystal glass;

Hardening of glass products by ion exchange and chemical etching;

Obtaining granular foam.


Modeling and optimization of chemical technological processes in the industry (lectures and laboratory classes).

Fundamentals of scientific research and innovation (lectures and practical classes).

Technology and equipment for the production of glass products (laboratory classes).

Physico-chemical methods for studying inorganic substances (laboratory classes).

Physical chemistry of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials (laboratory exercises).

List of publications:?

  • Kravchuk A.P. Designing compositions of the pyroxene glass ceramics based on granite screenings Mikashevichy field / A.P. Kravchuk, N.M. Bobkova // Proceedings BSTU. Ser. III, Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances and materials. – Minsk, 2007. – Vol. XV. – P.64–67.
  • Tereshchenko, I.M. Rising of the float glass production efficiency by improving the chemical composition / I.M. Tereshchenko, R.V. Petukhova, A.P. Kravchuk, E.V. Karpovich, J.L. Matylevich // Steklo mira. – M., 2012. – № 5, 6.?– P. 18–20.
  • Tereshchenko, I.M.?Development of the composition of sheet glass with a low content of Al2O3 / I.M. Tereshchenko, A.P. Kravchuk, V.V. Shut // Proceedings of BSTU.? – № 3.? Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, 2013. – Minsk. – Р. 93–96.
  • Tereshchenko, I.M. Development and industrial testing of cased glass compositions for crystal products / I.M. Tereshchenko, A.P. Kravchuk, A.Y. Stetskevich?// Proceedings of BSTU. – №3: Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, 2014. – Minsk. – P.67–70.
  • Pavlyukevich Yu. G. ?Production of toughened sheet glasses?of thin nominals / Yu. G. Pavlyukevich, A.?P. Kravchuk // Proceedings of BSTU. – №3. Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, 2015. – Minsk. – P. 19–16.
  • Tereschenko I.?M.?Producing of thermal insulating materials on the basis of silica gel by one–stage processing technology / I.?M. Tereschenko, O. B. Dormeshkin, A.?P. Kravchuk, B.?P. Zhih // Proceedings of BSTU. – №3. Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances, 2015. – Minsk. – P. 97–101.