Belarusian State
Technological University
Kozhenets Tatyana


Kozhenets Tatyana

Senior Lecturer, Director of the Language Center


Department of Intercultural Communication and Technical Translation

Contact details

?8 (017) 226 10 82


?Ulyanovskaya?St. 33, room 224

Research interests:

Word-formation synonymy in modern German?
Technology of developing training in the teaching of foreign languages
Internet technologies
Business game as an active-learning educational technology of professional foreign language communication
Creative writing in the process of learning a foreign language in high school.


German (Faculty of Print-technologies and Media Communication, Forestry Faculty ("Tourism and Nature")

"The practice of oral speech"

"Business Foreign Language."

Work with undergraduates.

List of publications:?

1. Kozhenets T. S., Rogova O. A. German. Study guide for students of a specialty 1-89 02 02 "Tourism and Nature". – Minsk: BSTU, 2011. – 151 p.

2. ?Kozhenets T. S., Kozlovskaya N. A., Starchenko D. V. German. Texts, exercises and terminology dictionary for students of forestry specialties. – Minsk: BSTU, 2013. – 74 p.

3. Kozhenets T. S., Starchenko D. V. Publishing and Printing. Study guide for students. – Minsk: BSTU, 2014. – 80 p.

4. Kozhenets T. S. Development of foreign language professional communicative competence of students in the conditions of the use of information technology training. // Proceedings of BSTU. History, philosophy, philology. – 2010. – 3 p.

5. Kozhenets T. S. Creative writing in the process of teaching foreign languages in high school. Theses of a report of scientific-technical conference of professors, teaching staff, researchers and graduate students. – Minsk: BSTU, 2013. – 1 p.

6. Kozhenets T. S. Business game as an active-learning educational technology of professional foreign language communication. // Proceedings of BSTU. History, philosophy, philology. – 2013. – 3 p.

7. Kozhenets T. S. Organization of training in language training Center BSTU and current direction of its work. // Proceedings of BSTU. History, philosophy, philology. – 2014. – 3 p.

8. Kozhenets T. S. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Teaching Foreign Languages for special purposes. Theses of a report of scientific-technical conference of professors, teaching staff, researchers and graduate students. – Minsk: BSTU, 2015. – 1 p.

9. Kozhenets T. S. German for the profession. Study guide for students of a specialty 1-89 02 02 "Tourism and Nature". – Minsk: BSTU, 2016. – 102 p.