Belarusian State
Technological University
Klysh Andrey


Andrey Klysh

assistant professor (senior lecturer), Ph.D. (Forestry)


Department of silviculture

Contact details

? 8 (017) 327 82 73

?Sverdlova St. 13a, 228-1

Research interests:

study of peculiarities of fruiting, growth technology of planting materials for forest restoration, growth of wild stand and standing forest with the participation of maple, the study of biological diversity in forest ecosystems, forest certification


  • Forest certification,
  • Forest management under extreme environmental destruction,
  • Dendrology,
  • Silviculture,
  • Forest and mire science,
  • Technology and equipment of logging and forestry,
  • Basic technologies of timber complex,
  • The technology of forestry production.

List of publications:?

  • Air temperature influence on seasonal development of common maple seedlings / A. Klysh // BSTU. Proceedings of BSTU: 1 Forestry, 2014. Р. 135–138.
  • Results of introduction of shrub species from Japan and China into botanical garden of BSTU / G. Klimchik, A. Klysh // BSTU. Proceedings of BSTU: 1 Forestry, 2014. Р. 69–71.
  • Felling experience in derivatives birch Belarusian Poozerie / K. Labokha, D. Shiman, A. Klysh // BSTU. – Proceedings of BSTU: №1 Forestry, 2015. – Р. 66–69.
  • Safety and efficiency of Polish larch forest cultures created on the uprooted glade / S. Shtukin, P. Volovich, A. Klysh // BSTU. – Proceedings of BSTU: №1 Forestry, 2015. – Р. 107–110.
  • Forest and mire science / O. Morozov, K. Labokha, A. Klysh.?– Minsk: BSTU, 2015. – 192 p.