Belarusian State
Technological University
Kavrus Anastasiya

Anastasiya Kavrus

PhD student, Researcher?


The Department of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development

Contact details

?+375(29) 135 79 03, +375 (017) 327 62 41 ??


?Sverdlova 13A, office 425а/4

Research interests:?

recreation management, theoretical and practical aspects of regional development, sustainable tourism.


"Planning and organization of ecological tourism".

List of publications?:?

  • Kavrus A. I. Sustainable tourism as a tool for regional development / A. I. Kavrus // Economics through the eyes of youth : materials of IX International economic forum of young scientists. Minsk, 16-17 September 2016.. – Minsk : BSEU, 2016. – Pp. 135-138.
  • Kavrus A. I.? Stages formation of evaluation and development of tourism potential for natural areas // Actual problems of theory and practice of? current Economics: materials of IV international scientific-practical conference of students and undergraduates, Gomel, March 18, 2016 – Gomel : GSU them. F. Skorina, 2016. – Pp. 101-103.
  • Kavrus A. I. About the structural features of the development of the Belovezski ecological region // Economy and production management : proceedings of the 80th scientific.-tech. conference of faculty, researchers and graduate students (with international participation), Minsk, 01-12 February 2016 [Electronic resource]. – Minsk : BSTU, 2016. – P. 113.
  • Kuntsevich E. N., Kavrus A. I., Romanova A. M. The continuing operation of the landfill near Borisov as a threat to sustainable land-use of the area // Economics and production control : proceedings of the 80th scientific.-tech. conference of? faculty, researchers and graduate students (with international participation), Minsk, 01-12 February 2016 [Electronic resource]. – Minsk : BSTU, 2016. – P. 114
  • Kavrus A. I. Elaboration of methods for the assessment and development of the tourism potential on protected areas of the Republic of Belarus by the example of the the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" and the National Landscape Reserve "Svetyasanski" / Collection of articles by the winners and the authors of scientific works, received the first category according to the results of XXI National Competition of Student Research Works. Minsk, 2015. – Pp. 270-273.