Belarusian State
Technological University
Kastsiuk Volha

Kastsiuk Volha

Engineer of the?


"Woodworking machines and tools"

Contact details

?+375 29 123 45 67, 8 (017) 123 45 67


?Sverdlova St. 19a, 24-5

Research interests:

-studies of the modes of treatment of wood by the method of grinding a widely
belt grinding machines with different grit gradation;
- study of wear resistance and efficiency of the sandpaper and its impact

on life;
- the influence of technological modes of grinding on power consumption.


Wood cutting and wood cutting tool" (practical exercises)

List of publications:?

The results of researches of influence of grinding regimes on wood surface finish / Kostyuk, O. I., Friedrich, A. P. // Proceedings Currently, the Forest industry Minsk 2015. – P. 267-270.

Way to remove products from the cutting surface of the sanding belt ?during its work/ Kostyuk, O. I., Friedrich, A. P. // Proceedings of BSTU, ?Forest industry - St – Minsk 2015. – S. 271-274.

Grishkevich, A. A., Kostyuk O. I. Methodology and results of research on removal of products of cutting surface of abrasive paper //

A. Grishkevich, O. I. Kostyuk // proceedings of the X international Symposium "Woodworking: technologies, equipment, management f the XXI century", Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2015.