Belarusian State
Technological University
Kaledina Natalia


Kaledina Natalia

Senior lecturer of the Department of Printing Technolo


Department of Printing Technologies

Contact details

?+375 44 782 86 44, 8 (017) 327 26 88


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 307-4

Research interests:

Prepress technologies of printing production, processing of text and graphic information, statistical researches of technological printing processes, research of composite materials, used in printing production.


Polygraphics, Polygraphics and desktop publishing systems, Fundamentals of printing production, Fundamentals of printing production systems.

List of publications:?

  • Kaledina N.?B. Shumansky L. S. Influence of technology factors on properties of ceramics on the basis of silicon nitride. Message III. Research of influence of temperature of hot pressing, impurity in furnace charge on density and durability at a bend. Metallurgy: Republican interdepartmental collection of scientific works: in 2 h Minsk: BNTU, 2015.?– Publication 36.?– pp.?232–235.
  • Kaledina N. B., Shumanskaya L. S. Vliyanie tehnologicheskih faktorov na svoystva keramiki na osnove nitrida kremniya. Soobschenie III. Issledovanie vliyaniya temperaturyi goryachego pressovaniya, primesey v shihte na plotnost i prochnost pri izgibe. Metallurgiya: respublikanskiy mezhved. sbornik nauchnyih trudov: v 2-h ch. Minsk: BNTU, 2015. – Vyip. 36.?– S. 232-235.
  • Kaledina N.?B., Tarasevich K.?T. Automation of processing of the text document having systematic of a computer set // Proceedings of BSTU, 2015. No. 9: Publishing and Printing, pp.?115–120.
  • Kaledina N. B., Tarasevich K. T. Avtomatizatsiya obrabotki tekstovogo dokumenta, imeyuschego sistematicheskie oshibki kompyuternogo nabora // Trudyi BGTU, 2015. #?9: Izdatelskoe delo i poligrafiya. S. 115–120.
  • Kaledina N.?B. Appling the principle of clarity, when lecturing on the subject ?Fundamentals of printing production? // Proceedings of BSTU, 2014. No. 8: Academic and Educational Work, pp.?111–114.
  • Kaledina N. B. Primenenie printsipa naglyadnosti pri chtenii lektsiy po distsipline ?Osnovyi poligraficheskogo proizvodstva? // Trudyi BGTU, 2014. # 8: Ucheb.-metod. rabota. S.111–114.