Belarusian State
Technological University
Ivanovsky Vladimir


Ivanouski Uladzimir?

Head of Department of strategic planning, marketing, petrochemical industry development and work with licensors, financing in Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Petrochemical Technologies and Production;

senior lecturer


Economics and Plant Management

Contact details

?8 (017) 282?45 37??8 (017) 282?45 37


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 438-4

Research interests:

Business planning, investment design, improving the efficiency of chemical industry enterprises, creating value chains, evaluating the efficiency of enterprises.


Economics of the organization (enterprise); Foreign economic activity; Investment Project Development; Investment analysis; Business planning; Organization of production.

List of publications:?

  • Ivanouski U., Ivanouskaya I. Advantages and disadvantages of production participation in global value chains // Proceedings of BSTU. Series 5: Economics and Management. 2021. No. 2 (250). pp. 95-101.
  • Ivanouski U. Scientific-technical and feasibility study of the organization of the production of polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PET-G) at Mogilevkhimvolokno OJSC // BelISA [Electronic resource]: research report (conclusive) / BSTU; hands K.V. Vishnevsky, V.V. Ivanovsky. - Minsk, 2021. - 192 p. – Bibliography: p. 115-119. – No. GR 20192924. – Inv. No. 94559.
  • Ivanouskaya I., Ivanouski U. Regional value chains in the petrochemical industry of the Republic of Belarus // In the collection: PETROCHEMISTRY - 2020. Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Technical Forum on Chemical Technologies and Oil and Gas Processing. Minsk, 2020. S. 31-35.
  • Ivanouski U. The role of the circular economy in the development of value chains in the chemical industry // In the collection: Petrochemistry-2021. materials of the IV International scientific and technical forum on chemical technologies and oil and gas processing. Minsk, 2021, pp. 55-58.
  • Ivanouskaya I., Ivanouski U. Formation of regional value chains at the enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industry of the Republic of Belarus // Proceedings of BSTU. Series 5: Economics and Management. 2019. No. 2 (226). pp. 43-48.
  • Ivanouski U. Trends in changes in labor productivity growth factors at enterprises of the building materials industry // Proceedings of BSTU. Series 5: Economics and Management. 2017. No. 1 (196). pp. 157-161.
  • Ivanouski U. Formation of a system of factors for increasing value added at enterprises in the building materials industry Proceedings of BSTU. Series 5: Economics and Management. 2017. No. 1 (196). pp. 204-208.
  • Ivanouski U. Trends drivers of productivity growth in industrial enterprises building materials??// Proceedings BSTU. — № 9: Publishing and Printing. - 2015. - Pp. 186-190. (In Russian)
  • Ivanouskaya I. S., Ivanouski U. U. The interdependence of investments in human capital and the growth of labor productivity at enterprises. Trudy BGTU Proceeding of BSTU], 2016, no. 7, Economics and Managemant, pp. 213–217 (In Russian).
  • Ivanouski U. U. The relationship of investments in human capital and the growth of labor productivity at enterprises Trudy BGTU Proceeding of BSTU], 2017, no. 7, Economics and Managemant, pp. 213–217 (In Russian).