Belarusian State
Technological University
Haranin Viktor


Haranin Viktar?

Associate Professor of


Woodworking machines and tools

Contact details

?+375 29 620 58 93, 8 (017) 327 43 25


?Sverdlova St. 19a, 26-5

Research interests:

The efficiency of operation woodworking equipments and wood-cutting tools; the automation of wood and wood-based materials processing; reflex woodcutting tools; safety of woodworking equipment.


“Multioperational systems of woodworking machines with computer numerical control", "Special equipment of wood processing industries"

List of publications:?

1. Results of laboratory tests of the reflex milling tool during the laminated boards processing // Proceedings BSTU, 2015?

2. New construction of energy efficient milling tool with variable angles front and slope of the edge for the processing of wood materials / Journal of BarSU, 2015

3. The calculation of interaction between the segment assembly and the mill body during its acceleration / Proceedings of the X International Eurasian Symposium "Woodworking: technologies, equipment, management of the XXI century", 2015
