Belarusian State
Technological University
Gvozdeva Natalia


Gvozdeva Natalia

Associate Professor


Department of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production and Electronic Engineering Materials

Contact details

8 (017) 226 02 82

?Sverdlova St. 13a, 409-3a

?University degree: Year (1999). Sp. “Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Materials and Goods”, Belarusian State Technological University, Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty, Minsk, Belarus.

Academic degree: PhD in Engineering sciences (year 2003). Scientific field: Technology (chemical). Thesis title: Chemically proof ceramics on the base of raw materials of the Republic of Belarus. Main supervisor: prof. Pishch I.V.

Research interests:

  • Synthesis, Development of compositions and investigation of properties of chemically proof ceramic materials.
  • Development of compositions and investigation of chemical and physical properties of ceramic pigments of different structure


  • Theoretical Foundations of Chemistry;
  • General, inorganic and physical chemistry;
  • General chemistry

Sciencist profiles: