Belarusian State
Technological University
Gvozdev Valeri


Gvozdev Valeri

Associate Professor of


Forest Plantations and Soil Science

Contact details

?+37533 601 65 16


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 329-1

Research interests:

forest plantations of local and introduced woody plants


reforestation and protective afforestation. Basics of forestry

List of publications:?

  • Yakimov N.I., Gvozdev, V. K., Prahodsky A. N. Forest plantations and protective afforestation: proc. a manual for students of specialties "Forestry" – Minsk: BSTU, 2007, 312 p.

  • Yakimov N.I., Gvozdev V. K. Technology of forest regeneration: proc. a textbook for students of specialised secondary schools in the specialty "Forestry". – Minsk:RIPO, 2015, 327 p

  • Yakimov N I., Gvozdev V K, Saikovsky V A. The effect of different processing methods on the growth of cultures of Norway spruce in the reconstruction of low-value young stands // forest science and forestry. Edition 73. - Gomel: Institute of forest of NAS of Belarus.- 2013. р. 287-295.

  • Gvozdev V. K., Volkovich A. P. Growth dynamics and productivity of forest plantations of Norway spruce of different planting density // Trudy BGTU, No. 1, (148), No. 1 (148), Forestry, Minsk, 2012. р. 161 – 164.

  • Gvozdev V. K., Khokhlov A. A. Features of growth and productivity of plantations of artificial origin local and introduced tree species. Trudy BGTU, No. 1 (183), Forestry, Minsk, 2016, р. 106-109.