Belarusian State
Technological University
Grygartsevich Stanislav

Stanislav Grygartsevich

Ph. D. Economics, assistant professor


Department??of?Economics and Marketing

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 70 66


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 241-4

Research interests:

1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of small business in the economy of Belarus in the transition period;

2. Theoretical aspects of the rational use of labor resources;

3. reproduction and use of labor in the timber industry of Belarus;

4. formation and effective functioning of marketing and logistics systems of enterprises of the timber industry complex of the Republic of Belarus.


Economic theory, Marketing with the basics of logistics, Theory of industrial markets

List of publications:?

1. Grigortsevich S. V. Role-based seminar - a new form of the educational process / S. Grigortsevich / Collection of interuniversity scientific-methodical conference: forms of activization of cognitive activity of students in the study of political economy. - Minsk: BSU, 1988. - 7 p.

2. Grigortsevich S. V. Methodological instructions for conducting seminars on the discipline "Political Economy" (Active forms of training, Role-playing seminar) for students of all specialties. - Minsk: BSTU, 1989. - 41 p.

3. Grigortsevich S. V. The use of technical means of training at a seminar on the course "Political Economy". - Minsk: BSTU, 1990. - 22 p.
4. Grigortsevich S. V., Semak E. A. Perception and summary of lectures on the basics of economic theory / S. V. Grigortsevich, E. A. Semak / - Minsk: BSTU, 1996. - 26 p.

5. Grigortsevich SV Ways of reducing intra-shift losses of working time / SV Grigortsevich / - Minsk: BSTU, 1980. - 176 p.

6. Grigortsevich S. V. Fundamentals of market economy / S. V. Grigorcevich / [Electronic resource]: a methodical guide for students of full-time and part-time forms of education. - Minsk: BSTU, 1994. - 56 p.
7. Grigortsevich S. V., Mamonenko I. V. Marketing of the enterprise as the main complex means of adaptation to the ongoing changes in the economy of the Republic of Belarus / S. V. Grigortsevich, I. V. Mamonenko / - Minsk: BSTU, 2008. - 3 p.

8. Grigortsevich S. V. The market of transport services and its further development as far as the integration processes in the Republic of Belarus and the world economy / S. Grigorcevich / - Minsk: BSTU, 2015. - 3 p.
9. Grigortsevich S. V. Belarusian and foreign experience in applying marketing technologies in forestry / S. Grigorcevich / - Minsk: BSTU, 2013. - 4 p.

10. Grigortsevich S. V. Labor market as a social aspect in the framework of the "green economy" RB / S. V. Grigorcevich / - Minsk: BSTU, 2016. - 4 p.
