Belarusian State
Technological University
Groda Yaroslav

Yaroslav G. Groda

Associate Professor, PhD (Physics and Mathematics)


Department of Mechanics and Engineering

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 58 38


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 217-4

Research interests:

Thermodynamic and statistical mechanics of condense matter; surface effects; transport process in condense systems; computer simulation of physical-chemical process.


Applied mechanics, Theoretical mechanics, Machine dynamics and vibration protection

List of publications:?

  • 1. Vikhrenko V.S., Bokun G.S., Groda Ya.G. Equilibrium and diffusional properties of intercalation systems in frame of lattice models /// Minsk, BSTU, 2008, 326 p. (in Russian)
  • 2. Bokun G. S., Groda Y. G., Lasovsky R.N. and Vikhrenko V.S. Unusual properties of a model of an intergrain boundary in solid oxide ceramic electrolytes // Solid State Ionics – Solid State Ionics – 2017. – Vol. 302. – p. 25-29.
  • 3. Argyrakis P., Giazitzidis P., Skarpalezos L., Groda Y.G., Vikhrenko V.S. Influence of Obstacles on Equilibrium Properties of the Lattice Fluid on a Surface // In: Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties – 2017 – Article 01PCSI15 (5 p.).
  • 4. Groda Y., Bildanov E., Vikhrenko V. Thermodynamic Properties of the System with Competing Interactions on a Triangular Lattice // In: Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties –2017 – Article 03NNSA31 (4 p.).
  • 5. Groda Y.G., Vikhrenko V.S., Poghosyan A.H., Hakobyan P.K., Arsenyan L.H., Shahinyan A.A. Conformation and diffusion properties of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone molecules / Electronic Journal of natural sciences. – 2015. – № 1 (24): Physical Chemistry. – P. 60-67.
  • 6. Bokun G.S., Groda Ya.G., Lasovsky R.N., Vikhrenko V.S. Charge Distribution Around Nanoscale Nonhomogeneities in Solid State Ionics / Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties. – 2015 – Vol.4, no. 1. – Article 01PCSI07 (4 p.)
  • 7. Argyrakis P., Arapaki E., Dubinin S.V., Groda Ya.G., Vikhrenko V.S. Diffusion characteristics of particles on energetically disordered lattices / Solid State Ionics. – 2008. Vol. 179. – P. 143 – 147.
  • 8. Groda Ya.G., Lasovsky R.N., Vikhrenko V.S. Equilibrium and diffusional properties of two-level lattice systems: quasichemical and diagram approximation versus Monte Carlo simulation results / Solid State Ionics. – 2005. – vol. 176. – P. 1675 – 1680.
  • 9. Groda Ya.G., Argyrakis P., Bokun G.S. and V.S. Vikhrenko SCDA for 3D lattice gases with repulsive interaction / The European Physical Journal B. – 2003. – V. 32. – P. 527 – 535.
  • 10. Argyrakis P., Groda Ya.G., Bokun G.S. and V.S. Vikhrenko Thermodynamics and diffusion of a lattice gas on a simple cubic lattice / Physical Review E. – 2001. – Vol. E64. – art. no. 066108.