Belarusian State
Technological University
Gapanjuk Dmitry

Gapanjuk Dmitry

Associate Professor,?PhD in Physic and Mathematic


Department of Mechanics and Engineering

Contact details

?8(017) 327 58 38


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 400-2

Research interests:

Thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, equilibrium and transport properties of lattice systems.


lectures on the disciplines "Applied Mechanics", "Theory of mechanisms and machines"; conducts practical and laboratory classes in Theoretical Mechanics, Applied Mechanics, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines.

List of publications:?

  • G. S. Bokun, D. V. Gapanjuk, Y. G. Groda, V. S. Vikhrenko. Statistical mechanical description and Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in two-component lattice systems?Electrochim. Acta.?– 2005. – V. 50. – P. 1725–1731.
  • V.S. Vikhrenko, G.S. Bokun, Ya.G. Groda, D.V. Gapanjuk. Thermal diffusion of interacting lattice gases /?Solid State Ionics.?- 2003. - V. 157, no. 1/2. - P. 221 - 226.