Belarusian State
Technological University
Kryshilovich Elena (Kryshylovich Alena)


Elena Kryshilovich (Alena Kryshylovich)

Assistant Professor


General and Inorganic Chemistry


?8 (017) 327 72 50


Sverdlova St. 13а, room 353-4

Research interests:

Waste regeneration and utilization, kinetics and mechanism od chemical and electrochemical processes. Electroshemistry. Physical Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry.


Theoretical basis (Foundations) of chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Chemistry of Complex Substances.

List of publications:?

  • Method of utilization of sulfuric acid production spent vanadium catalysts: pat. 17007 Republic of Belarus : B01J 23/92, С01G 31/00 (2011) / S.E. Orekhova, E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo; published: 30.04.2013.?
  • E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Vanadium extraction from leaching solutions be thermohydrolityc method / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2013. – Iss. 1. – P. 30–35.
  • E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Anodic oxidation of vanadium (IV) compounds in sulfuric acid solutions / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2012. – Iss. 2. – P. 19–24.?
  • E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, S.E. Orekhova, I.M. Zharski Cathodic reducrion of vanadium(IV) compounds in sulfuric acid solutions / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2012. – Iss. 4. – P. 10–16.
  • V.I. Romanovski, A.D. Hurynovich, Yu.N. Bessonova, E.V. Kryshilovich Technical aspects of the ozone use for water treatment / Water Magazine. – 2016. – Iss. 2. – P. 36–41.
  • Д.С. Харитонов, Н.Е. Акулич, Е.В. Крышилович, О.В. Опимах, И.И. курило, И.М. Жарский СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА ОРТОВАНАДАТА ВИСМУТА / Вестник технологического университета. – 2016. – Т.19 –№13. С. 36–41.